This nationwide lawsuit has been filed on behalf of All Account Managers who were/are employed by Healthcare Services Group, Inc. at anytime from May 31, 2010, to the present, excluding those who worked in Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Tennessee.  Plaintiffs Janice Waltman and Sylvia Patino were paid a salary, while Plaintiff Sandra Kelly was paid by the hour.  Plaintiffs allege that all Account Managers are required to perform manual labor for anywhere between 60% and 90% of their workday.  They describe their primary duties as cleaning the floors, changing bed sheets, cleaning the dining room, dusting and mopping, stripping and waxing the floors, and doing the laundry.  Plaintiffs allege that Healthcare Services Group, Inc. misclassified them as salaried employees and/or failed to pay them for all hours worked, including overtime.

What is in This for Me?

If Account Managers are entitled to overtime, they will be paid overtime for all hours worked above forty for which they were not properly compensated.  Moreover, wage and hour law allows the amount of back wages you are owed to be DOUBLED!

Am I Eligible?

To be eligible for this lawsuit you must:

(1)       Work or have worked as an Account Manager for Healthcare Services Group, Inc. at any time in the past three years;

(2)       Have been required to perform manual labor for anywhere from 60% to 90% of your workday;

(3)       Work or have worked more than forty hours during your time as Account Manager; and

(4)       Either have been (a) classified as a salaried employee or (b) classified as an hourly employee and did not receive compensation of at least one and one-half of your hourly rate of pay for all of your hours worked over forty.

How Do I Join This Case?

To make a claim in this action under federal law, call use Toll Free at (855) 825-5916.

Which Locations Are Included?

Employees working at all properties serviced by Healthcare Services Group, Inc. in any state with the exception of those facilities in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Tennessee.

What Time Frame Does This Case Cover?

This case covers two or possibly three years.

Do I have to Pay Anything?

You do not have to pay anything to our firm if you join the lawsuit. We are handling this case on a contingency basis. This means we will only be paid if the lawsuit is successful in obtaining relief either through a settlement or a final judgment, and that payment will only come out of that settlement or final judgment.

How Do I Prove I Worked Overtime?

Where the employer does not keep accurate time records, the employee may make a good faith estimate of overtime hours. If you feel that you have an overtime claim, you do not need to have proof of the hours you worked, and a court will accept an estimate of your hours.

How Long Will This Case Take?

The length of lawsuits varies from case to case. This type of lawsuit typically lasts from one to two years, but the actual length may vary.

Can My Employer Fire Me if I Decide to Join This Case?

The law protects you from retaliation for asserting your rights, and if you suffer retaliation, you may be able to assert additional claims. If you currently work for Healthcare Service Group, Inc, and you feel you are the victim of retaliation for participating in this lawsuit, contact us immediately.

We are looking for the following information:

The names of current or former Account Managers who have worked at any location operated by Healthcare Services Group, Inc. in the past three years;

Any documents or records relating to your claim that you were entitled to overtime that you did not receive during your employment with Healthcare Services Group, Inc.; and

Anything that leads you to believe that Healthcare Services Group, Inc. knew about overtime wage violations.

If you have any information that may assist us with this case, please contact TOLL FREE (855) 825-5916

John Holleman

Holleman & Associates

1008 West Second Street

Little Rock, AR 72201

501.975.5040 LR LOCAL

855.825.5916 TOLL FREE

501.975.5043 fax